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Let's Talk Money | Self-Assessment Quiz

Excellence with COLOR, Culture and Creativity

We are just about ready to close out the 2018 year. It has been inspiring to work alongside and or admire from a distance a few exceptional women we known as, Women of Excellence.

In the Spirit of BECOMING as Former First Lady Michelle Obama puts it in her autobiography-- we never reach a final, finished or finite place but instead we Evolve continuing to learn and grow into the persons who are today.

This winter season we'd like to recognize two WOE whose lives speak to dedication and hard work they've put into that which they love  this year. They are two different worlds existing and thriving on opposite ends of the country but making a dynamic and colorful impression upon their communities. 

Shira Greenberg
Founder + Artistic Director of Keshet Center for the Arts in Albuquerque, NM 

Image result for shira greenberg

This year Keshet Launched their very first Makers Space Experience a two-part residency series for dance incubation, choreography and showcase with Artists from around the nation.

Image result for keshet makerspace experience

They also took a transformational leap with the 2018 Mural Fest- Beautify, Unify + Showcase.

The key to their success is their brilliant and open-minded Leader and a team that loyal to Keshet's cause...and there are many. 

Visit the website and take a look for yourself!!!

This second dynamic Woman is from our Nation's Capitol, Washington DC but has occupied, live and served the Youth, Arts Education and LGBTQ Community faithfully for at least 5 years since graduating college in Philidelphia, PA. 

Tierra Rich, a true success story--she's worked her way up from soil to concrete to the top floor. An overcomer of suicide depression and mental disorder she demonstrates traits of Leadership that many would either be to shy or to proud to show. 

Congratulations for being inducted into Philadelphia's Leadership Pipeline for recognition and and appointment by the city's Commissioner at City Hall. 

Playwright, Producer and Teaching Artist. Be on the look out for Tierra, she's always up to something GOOD.


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