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Let's Talk Money | Self-Assessment Quiz

A Phenomenal Woman, Indeed.

I met a phenomenal woman today.
She just so happened to be my designated UBER driver on my way to work.
After the exchange of friendly good mornings, smiles and talk of walking in nature we began to delve into a deeply place.

Within mere minutes of leaving the neighborhood the topic of children came to the surface...
Her name is Tabitha, and she has three children of which she adopted from the foster care system.
She had been married twice, adopting two children from her most recent marriage while raising her eldest daughter and later conceiving a son. The young of her family is 4 years of age, trying to find his place amongst the siblings and growing into the person that he is.

Tabitha makes sure that each of her children have a fair chance in learning, growing and developing at the pace that best suits their needs. She encourages them to pursue their interests, try new things and get involved in their own lives at a tender age. What's unique about Tabitha is that although raised a Baptist Christian she now lives her life as a Muslim. Her eldest daughter will be graduating from Catholic school, just as her mom did years ago. Tabitha makes it clear that the purpose of places her children in various courts of education including Muslim Schools, Catholic Schools, Montessori and Science & Technology is to give them a fair chance in exposure to diversity.

Tabitha speaks with grace, confidence and a smile. She is most pleasant and generous in the sharing of her life. One would sense contentment or in other words sheer happiness in her heart. She raises her family as a proud mom  yet without the support of a life partner or husband.

I declare that this woman is a blessing, she simply replies, "I try my best."

Tabitha is an Engineer and Control Analyst for Aerospace Program, NASA Goddard.
She is a native Washingtonian, Self Published Author and Board Member of Non-Profit Organization WordsHealInc. 

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Learn more about bibliotheraphy- healing through the pathway of literary guidance.

Stay Tuned for a Video Interview featuring Tabitha on our YouTube Channel: W.O.E.


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